Our Woodshop is one of our most popular zones. It is equipped with a high-capacity dust collection system and air filters to ensure (in concert with careful use and cleanup) it is a clean, efficient and well-appointed wood workng environment. In addition to a wide assortment of hand tools, blades, bits and chisels, the shop is equipped ith a Saw Stop table saw (featuring an automatic safety brake), a miter saw, two band saws, a drill press, multiple sanders, a shaper/router table, lathes and a drum sander.
photo credit Eric Patrie
Safety orientations for the Woodshop are held every 3rd Tuesday and 1st Saturday. Sign up for the next one here. Several classes offered in the Wood Shop also provide the required safety orientation. Check our class calendar for our current offerings.
Consumables like regular blades, bits, sandpaper and safety glasses are provided, as well as a limited supply of scrap wood for small projects. Just outside the Wood Shop, you may also find the fasteners you're looking for among the donated items in our Hardware area.
For more information about our Woodshop, contact the Zone Coordinators at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..